Marked Cards Detection Methods

The world of card games can be exciting, but it’s also a dangerous place when it comes to cheating and collusion between players. Marked cards can give players an unfair advantage, and it’s important that game protection personnel can spot these deceptive tools before they can be used to cheat. There are several methods that can be used to detect marked cards, and we’ll take a look at them in this article.

The first method of detecting marked cards involves looking at the backs of cards during a riffle test. If there’s some type of marking on a card, it will bounce an invisible light source and read as a different color to the eye. This can be done with luminous marks, juice dust and tintwork (also known as shade).

Another way to detect marked cards is by using a video camera that has a lens that can read a card’s color. Then the card can be compared to a video of the same color from a different camera. If the two match, then the cards are likely marked.

Other methods of detecting marked cards include using polarized lighting to detect certain forms of tampering, as well as manually inspecting the cards for evidence of markings or bending. But these methods are not foolproof, and players and gamblers will continue to find ways to mark cards to their own benefit. Therefore, it’s important that casino staff be trained to recognize the “tells” of a player trying to mark cards to their advantage and to watch for unusual betting patterns during game play.