Invisible Marked Cards

Marked cards are playing cards with special markings that aid magicians and poker players identify the suits and worth of the hand. These markings can only be visible to a camera, and are not visible to naked eyes.

IR Copag marked cards are safer than other cheating devices like luminous contact lenses or luminescent marker glasses. Only a special infrared device can detect them.

Infrared ink

Invisible ink technology is extremely sophisticated and can be utilized to create marks on cards. It is possible to print marks on the back and even sides of cards with the aid of top-of-the-line printers. However, other devices are required to read these markings. This process is more costly but worth it. Furthermore, the process of invisible inks is robust and can last for longer.

A formula of ink which is not visible to human eyes but visible by infrared has been developed. The ink is based on silicon(IV) 2,3-naphthalocyanine bis(trihexylsilyloxide), which has strong absorbance in the IR and excellent transmitting characteristics in the visible. It is ideal to print offset or lithographic, flexographic, and Rotogravure printing techniques.

IR inks are inks that function that selectively transmit infrared light while preventing visible and ultraviolet light. They are detectable by an expert LS108A or LS108D Linshang lens transmission meter. The device can detect the transmission of IR ink between 550nm to 840nm. It’s useful for detaching fake pens as in other products with invisible inks. This gadget can also be used to determine the quantity of ink in a pen. The top IR inks should have a low reflectance, and the highest transmittance, which is 840nm.

Infrared contact lenses

Modern infrared marked card systems use invisible inks that are visible only at 900 nanometers in the light spectrum. This allows the player to discern the markings, without drawing negative attention from other players. To avoid being caught cheaters wear IR contact lenses that enable players to read the markings and read them at an appropriate distance. These lenses are usually sported with sunglasses or glasses that are reminiscent of designer frames to ensure that they are used without drawing attention from the fashion police.

These contacts use Sandwich Technology, which allows the filter to be placed in the interlayer and stop the eyes of the wearer from touching it directly. They are therefore safe for all types of eye color and won’t alter the colour of your pupils. They’re also very comfortable to wear and are able to be worn for extended periods of time.

The prototype was constructed using a wireless illumination device integrated into soft contact lens. The device was created through chemically crosslinking of a silicone rubber solution to form the far red/NIR light source, an ASIC chip as well as a transmitter coil. The ASIC chip was connected to a customized power amplifier that wirelessly transmitted electrical power to the far red/NIR led to produce light. The transmitter coil was mounted on a poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) film, which was then passivated by Parylene C. The infrared receiver activated the lens electronics by transmitting the infrared signal at 600 Hz that induced an AC voltage to the electrodes on the LC insert layer, thereby shifting it by an electric field.

Infrared camera

Infrared is a technology based on heat that is distinct from night vision that depends on light to produce images. It is used in a variety of ways, such as in medical, security industrial, and security applications. Firefighters employ IR imaging to locate individuals in smoky areas and identify hotspots. This increases the security and efficiency. It can also be used to find gaps in insulation and air leaks in ventilation, heating, and air conditioning systems. This helps to reduce energy consumption and enhance the efficiency of HVAC systems.

The infrared technology that powers an infrared camera consists of a photon converting detector (typically Indium Gallium Arsenide or microbolometer) that measures the electromagnetic radiation at low frequencies that it feels as heat. It then converts it into an image digital. The image can be displayed on the camera’s display or transmitted to an electronic device for analysis and reporting. Most thermal cameras include software that converts the information into an image of temperature variations. It is generally presented in a matrix of hues. Warmer areas are shown in red while cooler regions are displayed in blue.

The majority of IR inspection programs and businesses require a means of documenting the outcomes of their activities. It is therefore crucial to have an infrared scanner that can produce clear and precise reports. A lot of manufacturers offer the software free for basic analysis and report creation, while more advanced software can be found for more in-depth imaging and customization of reports.

Infrared sensor

The technology that powers an infrared sensor is used in a variety of security-related applications, including motion detection. When the sensor detects variation in the infrared radiation that is emitted by a particular object, it sends out an electrical signal to a computer embedded, which triggers an alarm. Other security systems may be controlled, such as automated doors and videos. Based on the type of application, an infrared sensor could detect a person’s presence and trigger a hands-free opening mechanism.

Infrared sensors are commonly used for motion-based detection. They utilize a pair of pyroelectric components to detect infrared and produce an electronic signal whenever an object comes within their zone of. They also allow for measuring the distance an object is from the sensor through measuring the time it takes for the IR energy to bounce back.

Although these sensors can be useful in securing buildings, they are vulnerable to environmental conditions. Sensors are susceptible to confusion due to abrupt temperature fluctuations and extreme humidity, resulting in false alarms. Additionally, dust and dirt can accumulate on the lens of the sensor in time, which could affect the sensor’s ability to detect radiation infrared.

To overcome these limitations in the first place, you must consider the setting and location where an infrared sensor is installed. Additionally, it’s recommended to have professional inspection and maintenance performed on an infrared sensor often. This will allow you to ensure that the device functions properly and that it’s accurately detecting objects.