How to Become a Professional Cheater at Cards

Professional cheater at cards can perform amazing magic routines that showcase a lot of the same sleight of hand techniques that card cheaters use in real-life situations. The difference is that a pro cheater isn’t trying to entertain an audience, but is seeking to steal large sums of money from unsuspecting poker players. This article explores some of the simplest methods of cheating at cards that can be employed by a professional cheater, and it also provides procedures for dealing with a suspected cheater when one is discovered.

The simplest way to cheat at cards is simply to peek at the top or bottom card of the deck without the other players seeing it. This can be done in many ways, including leaning your body in a particular way or quickly darting your eyes. A shiner is a reflective object which acts as a covert-mirror to help cheaters sneak a peek at a particular card. Shiners can be anything from the screen of a phone to a coffee cup or even a butter knife, but they must be subtle enough not to attract too much attention.

Professional card cheaters often combine peeking techniques with false shuffles or even false deals. A common warning sign is when a player who always conducts a riffle shuffle suddenly starts using an overhand shuffle. It’s easier to fake an overhand shuffle rather than a true riffle one, but it requires years of experience to make a riffle one undetectable. False dealing can be done in a variety of ways. However, the most effective way is to use a “cold-deck” that’s been pre-arranged with certain cards stacked atop it that guarantee that a cheater will succeed.