Poker Cheat Cards

In poker, a cheat card is any playing card that has been altered in some way so that the player can see its value without looking at it. This type of cheating can take a game to remarkable heights, giving the cheat an incredible advantage. Typical methods include culling, palming, mucking, and a variety of other sleight of hand techniques. Some cards may even be marked with invisible ink or other special markings that can only be seen with the use of a high-quality poker cheating device.

Poker players have been using cheat cards to give them an edge in the game since it was invented. Some cheating techniques require little skill and are easy to get away with, while others involve considerable risk and require years of practice. Some cheaters will even try to collude with other players in order to fix the game. This can be especially dangerous in underground and home games, where cheating is common.

There are many different types of poker cheating techniques, but some of the most popular are false shuffling and false dealing. False shuffling involves bringing in a deck of pre-arranged cards that have been set up or ‘stacked’ in advance of the actual game. These cards can be brought in at the time of the deal, after the deck has been shuffled, or they can be introduced before the deal, when a card sharp makes a false riffle shuffle. In either case the cheat can be sure that his victim will receive a weak hand while the cheat gets an excellent one.

False dealing is a technique that allows the cheat to steal a specific card from the top of the deck and then deal it to himself or to a confederate. It is most often done in conjunction with a false shuffle, to make it appear as though the card was taken from the top and dealt to a player when it was actually pulled from another part of the deck.

Another commonly used method of poker cheating is to bring in a cold deck. A ‘cold deck’ is a deck that has not been shuffled or played with and therefore has not been randomised. A cheat can introduce a cold deck either at the time of the deal, after the real deck has been shuffled, or before the deal, when a sharp will create a false riffle shuffle with sleight of hand.

In the modern era, card cheats have become more sophisticated and are using a number of different devices to improve their chances of success. These devices range from simple scuffing with fingernails to luminous ink contact lenses and invisible ink pens. In addition, some poker cheats now rely on specially designed playing cards and poker analyzers to beat the competition. These devices can be purchased online or in some casinos and private games. Many people also choose to play with dice style poker chips, which are popular in casino settings and at home games.